Hardwood Floor Cleaning
Your Beautiful Hardwood Floors Require Special Care
PGF Carpet & Floor Care Services provides expert hardwood floor care and cleaning for your home. These fine and expensive floors present a number of cleaning challenges, that must be addressed properly if you want quality results that last.
Using the advanced technology of the latest generation in wood floor care enables PGF Carpet and Floor Care to produce results you only dreamed of just a few years ago. Cleaner, quicker with better results than ever, we can clean and restore the beauty of your hardwood floors.
We use a special dust free process that is designed to help you to avoid the dust storm that comes with sanding. After all, who wants all that wood dust filling your house? You get enough dust already! Don’t you?
Hardwood Cleaning Six Step Cleaning Process.
The Exclusive 6-Step Cleaning Process
How does our special 6-step hardwood floor care & cleaning process benefit you and give you the best results for your wood floors?

Before we can begin cleaning and caring for your hardwood floors, we need to first determine what we are up against. Our technicians will first determine if your floor contains any wax, oily residue, or any other contaminants which may affect the quality of our work for you and the adhesion of the new finish. At the sametime, we can also determine what the best method of care will be.

Area Preparation & Protection
We make sure to prepare the areas surrounding your wood floor. We make sure not to disturb any of the other floor types that connect to your wood floor. This is also the point when we move all furniture that will be cleaned under. Additionally, we make sure to protect your walls and other furniture with the appropriate protectors to avoid damaging your home while we work on cleaning and caring for your wood flooring.

Dry Soil Removal
This may seem like a simple step, but it is one of the most important steps we can take to ensure a quality job for you. Our technicians will thoroughly sweep and vacuum the entire area where we will be working for you to maximize the results, we can obtain for you. As with any cleaning process, dry soil removal is of critical importance.

Our special professional cleaning process uses multiple applications of cleaning solutions, along with using state-of-the-art equipment which PRODUCES NO DUST WHATSOEVER! Surface accumulations of common household pollutants like food residues or pet oils are removed without abrading your floor to expose any bare

Resurfacing & New Finish
After your wood floors have been thoroughly cleaned, it is ready for a new sparkling finish to be applied. Using the proper tools and finishes made for your particular type of wood flooring we will apply a new protective layer that will beautify your hardwood floors again and produce lasting results.

Our technicians will initiate a final walk through to ensure we did a quality job. They will then take the time to go over results with you before they leave, to make sure we made you smile by providing you with the most outstanding wood floor care service experience ever.

To help maintain your floor, do the following:

Blot up spills immediately.

Dust mop floors using an untreated mop and proper wood floor cleaner.

Use door mats and walk-off mats whenever possible to keep dirt and grit off the floor.
Avoid the following with wood floors:

DO NOT use powder cleaners or soft cream cleaners (Soft Scrub)

DO NOT use mold removers (Tile X, X14, etc.) or disinfectants (Lysol).

DO NOT use furniture polish (Pledge, Jubilee, Endust).

DO NOT use wax or oil cleaners (Orange Glow, Murphy’s Oil)!